Colorado Governor's Office issued the following announcement on Dec. 23.
Air Quality Control Commission
The Commission develops and maintains a comprehensive program for the prevention and control of air pollution in Colorado. The major goal of this program is to meet national ambient air quality standards.
for a term expiring January 31, 2021:
- Martha Rudolph of Denver, Colorado, a person with legal training, and a Democrat, occasioned by the resignation of Thomas Roy Gonzales of Colorado Springs, Colorado, appointed.
- Martha Rudolph of Denver, Colorado, a person with legal training, and a Democrat, reappointed;
- Curtis Otto Rueter of Westminster, Colorado, a person with appropriate technical and industrial training or experience, and a Republican, reappointed;
- Anthony Gerber of Denver, Colorado, to serve as a person with appropriate scientific experience, and a Democrat, appointed.
This Commission provides citizen input and expresses state concerns regarding the U.S. Army program for the disposal of chemical warfare agents and munitions at the Pueblo Army Depot.
for a term expiring at the pleasure of the Governor:
- Mark Honnen of Denver, Colorado, to serve as a representative of the Governor’s Office, and occasioned by the resignation of Jeff Riester of Denver, Colorado, appointed.
The Colorado Civil Rights Commission investigates complaints and conducts hearings concerning alleged discrimination in employment, apprenticeship programs, on-the-job training, and vocational schools. The commission also investigates the existence of discriminatory or unfair employment practices by a person, employment agency, labor organization, or vocational school. It is also charged with the promotion of good will and cooperation among various racial, religious, and ethnic groups in the state.
for a term expiring March 13, 2021:
- Jeremy Scott Ross of Lakewood, Colorado, to serve as a representative of an employee association that represents workers in Colorado, and as an Unaffiliated, occasioned by the resignation of Miguel Elias of Pueblo West, Colorado, appointed.
The Board regulates public accountants and reviews applications, gives examinations, grants certificates and permits, and acts on complaints against certified public accountants.
for a term expiring August 1, 2022:
- Ronald Thomas Collins of Longmont, Colorado, to serve as a member of the public, and occasioned by the resignation of Richard Garth Ferrell of Aurora, Colorado, appointed.